
Private Sector Must Show Leadership on Employment and Disability!

(Winnipeg, January 16, 2013)

Today Minister Finley and Minister Flaherty made public the Report from the Panel on Labour Market Opportunities for Persons with disabilities entitled “Rethinking DisAbility in the Private Sector.”  The Council of Canadians With Disabilities (CCD) is pleased to see greater engagement of the private sector in addressing the disproportionate unemployment of Canadians with disabilities.  “It is time for employers to step up their commitment to hiring and accommodating persons with disabilities,” said Tony Dolan, National Chairperson of CCD.  “The report acknowledges that leadership from senior management plays a crucial role in putting people with disabilities to work and CCD heartily agrees,” said Dolan.

The evidence is clear, persons with disabilities are now better educated than ever before, accommodation costs are known to be reasonable, employees with disabilities bring new innovation and skill to the workplace, leadership is required to implement strategies to make labour forces more inclusive and there are many success stories to be told.  “Sadly it is equally true that myths, mis-information, lack of leadership, physical access and attitudinal barriers are prevalent, dis-incentives to employment exist within our income security systems and many people with disability experience continued discrimination in the finding employment,” states Marie White, Chairperson of CCD’s Social Policy Committee.

CCD applauds the good work of the Panel and the commitment of Ministers Finley and Flaherty to bring greater private sector attention to the employment needs of Canadians with disabilities.  “CCD hopes the Panel’s good work will spark new commitments within the private sector to insure that their recruiting, hiring, promotion and retention initiatives become more inclusive and result in greater employment of Canadians with disabilities,” said Laurie Beachell, CCD National Coordinator.

While this report focuses on private sector employment CCD reminds Minister Finley and Minister Flaherty that the Government of Canada is a significant employer and should be a model employer and leader in the employment of Canadians with disabilities.

CCD will be looking for evidence that the Panel’s good work is translated in to real jobs for people with disabilities. The private sector’s recruiting, hiring, promotion and retention initiatives must become more inclusive.


For more information contact:

Tony Dolan, CCD Chairperson – (902) 569-2817

Marie White, CCD Social Policy Committee Chairperson- (709) 739-8233

Laurie Beachell, CCD National Coordinator – (204) 947-0303 or (204) 981-6179(Cell)

Council of Canadians with Disabilities - CCD
Conseil des Canadiens avec Déficiences

926-294 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 0B9
Tel:  204-947-0303
Fax: 204-942-4625

Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD): A Voice of Our Own -- Working for an inclusive and accessible Canada.

Conseil des Canadiens avec Déficiences (CCD): Cette voix qui est la nôtre pour un Canada inclusif et accessible.
