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For more information on the application process please visit our
Frequently Asked QuestionsSorry. This form is no longer available.
For more information on the application process please visit our
Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat types of disabilities are considered?
For the purpose of these awards, a permanent disability is a permanent functional limitation which affects the ability of the student to participate fully in post-secondary education. The types of disabilities considered include but are not limited to: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder, Chronic Medical Disabilities, Head Trauma / Acquired Brain Injury, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD),Hearing Impairments, Learning Disabilities, Mobility Disabilities, Psychiatric / Mental Health Disabilities, Visual Impairments, and Episodic Disabilities (e.g. multiple sclerosis, arthritis).
DO I have to provide disability documentation to apply?
We do not require proof of disability at the time of application. You will only be required to provide proof of disability documentation if selected for an award. Accepted forms of disability documentation include:
Can I submit my application and/or documents in French?
Applicants are invited to submit their application in the official language of their choice (English or French). Documents are reviewed by bilingual staff for completeness.
How do I apply for the AMI Scholarship?
For the AMI scholarship, please answer the AMI specific application question in your application to be considered for this award:
I am blind/visually impaired/deaf blind. What do I need to do to be considered for the Katelynn Mitchell Memorial Scholarship for the Visually Impaired?
You will identify that you are blind/visually impaired/deaf blind This will be identified through the disability type question on the self-declaration form.
Can I apply for a specific award type from the list of available awards?
Unless indicated otherwise you will be considered for all awards. You can not apply for a specific award type.
If I won a NEADS Student Award previously, can I reapply?
Can I apply to the NEADS Student Awards Program if I’ve been a recipient of an Accessibility Resilience Program grant?
Yes, you may apply, as they are separate programs.
I am currently on medical leave from my studies; can I still apply?
Applicants must be currently registered in post-secondary education at a college, university or cégep at the time of application. Students on leave are not eligible to apply.
Who are accepted professionals to fill out the Good Academic Standing verification form?
Acceptable professionals include: guidance counsellors, principals, registrar department staff, program coordinators, academic advisors, learning strategists, disability advisors.
What are accepted forms of proof of enrolment?
Acceptable proof is either a proof of enrolment letter from your school’s registrars office, or an acceptance letter. Copies of timetables, tuition statements etc. are not acceptable proof of enrolment.
How do I get a proof of enrolment letter?
Contact your school’s registrars office to get specific instructions on how to obtain a proof of enrolment letter.
Who should I use as my reference?
Your reference can be either an academic or a community reference. Your reference should be able to speak to your academic performance, volunteerism, extra-curricular activities or employment history. For example, a professor/instructor, a work supervisor, or a leader of an organization you volunteer with. This individual cannot be a family member, friend, spouse or colleague. If your reference’s responses state that they are a friend/family member/spouse/colleague, your application will be disqualified.
When and how will my reference be contacted?
When you click submit at the end of your application, your reference will be sent an automated email containing a reference form. It is the responsibility of the applicant to follow up with their reference to ensure they received the automated form. If it appears that the form was not received, have your reference check their spam or junk folder. If a copy of the form was not received, email us at to have another copy sent.
What format do the supporting documentation files I upload during the application process have to be in?
Electronic files are accepted in the following formats: Microsoft Word (DOC), (DOCX) and Adobe Acrobat (PDF).
Once I have submitted my application, can I make changes to it?
Once submitted, application forms are final and may not be modified.
How can I confirm that my application was successfully submitted?
Once you finish your application a receipt of completion will be sent to your email.
How will those selected to receive an award be contacted?
All recipients will be contacted by email. Due to the volume of applications received, only those selected as award recipients will be contacted. Students will be given 2 weeks to acknowledge their congratulatory email and submit required documentation. If no response is received from the student, NEADS staff will follow up once via phone. If a response is still not received for a period of 1 week following the phone call, the award will be offered to another student.
When approximately will recipients be contacted?
Recipients will be notified in the latter half of the Fall 2023 semester or early in the winter 2024 semester.
My phone number or email address has changed. How can I update my file?
Should your contact information change, please inform our Financial Assistance Program Team by email at
{Reference Name:84}
{Reference Email:82}”
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Questions fréquemment posées :
Aux fins de ces bourses, un handicap permanent est une limitation fonctionnelle permanente qui affecte la capacité de l’étudiant.e à participer pleinement aux études postsecondaires.
Les types de handicaps considérés incluent, sans toutefois s’y limiter : les troubles du déficit de l’attention/hyperactivité (TDAH), troubles du spectre de l’autisme, handicaps médicaux chroniques, traumatismes crâniens acquis ou non, troubles obsessionnels compulsifs (TOC), déficiences auditives, troubles d’apprentissage, handicaps moteurs, troubles psychiatriques ou mentaux, déficiences visuelles et invalidités épisodiques (sclérose en plaques ou arthrite par exemple).
Comment soumettre une preuve de handicap ?
Nous n’exigeons pas de preuve de handicap au moment de la demande pour simplifier le processus de demande et réduire le fardeau administratif des étudiant.e.s, car seules certaines candidatures sont acceptées pour un financement.
Si toutefois votre candidature est reçue, nous vous demanderons une preuve de votre handicap avant de vous accorder le financement. Les preuves suivantes de votre handicap sont acceptées :
Dans la mesure du possible, le type de handicap ne doit pas être précisé dans la documentation afin de respecter votre vie privée et la confidentialité. Aucun autre type de documentation n’est accepté.
En raison du volume de demandes reçues, nous contactons uniquement tous les récipiendaires par courrier électronique.
Nous envoyons par courrier électronique aux références un formulaire à remplir. Les candidat.e.s doivent indiquer le nom et l’adresse de courrier électronique exacts de leurs références. Il est important de dire à ces personnes de vérifier leur courrier indésirable au cas où le lien vers le formulaire s’y trouve par mégarde.
Une fois que vous aurez terminé votre demande, vous recevrez un accusé de réception par courrier électronique.
Toutes les personnes qui soumettent une demande peuvent le faire dans la langue officielle de leur choix (anglais ou français). Les documents sont examinés par du personnel bilingue pour vérifier qu’ils sont complets.
Les formats suivants de fichiers électroniques sont acceptés : Microsoft Word (DOC), (DOCX) et Adobe Acrobat (PDF).
Toutes les demandes deviennent la propriété de NEADS et ne seront pas retournées. Une fois soumis, les formulaires de candidature sont définitifs et ne peuvent être modifiés.
Si vos coordonnées ont changé, veuillez en informer l’équipe du programme d’aide financière par courrier électronique à
Les candidat.e.s doivent être actuellement inscrit.e.s à des études postsecondaires dans un collège, une université ou un CÉGEP canadien au moment de la demande et retourner aux études à l’automne. Les étudiant.e.s en congé de maladie ne sont pas admissibles.
Le comité de sélection n’accepte qu’une seule référence, mais cette personne peut venir du milieu académique ou communautaire.
À qui puis-je faire appel comme référence académique ou communautaire ?
Toute personne pouvant attester de vos résultats scolaires, de votre bénévolat, de vos activités parascolaires ou de vos antécédents professionnels, notamment un membre du corps professoral, gestionnaire ou personne responsable d’une organisation auprès de laquelle vous faites du bénévolat. Cette personne ne peut pas être membre de la famille, ami.e, conjoint.e ou collègue.
Oui, sauf indication contraire, vous serez pris en compte pour toutes les bourses.
Pour la bourse de l’AMI, veuillez répondre à la question suivante dans votre dossier pour que votre candidature soit considérée :
« La vision de l’AMI est d’établir et de promouvoir la voix des en situation de handicap, en représentant leurs intérêts, leurs préoccupations et leurs valeurs par des médias accessibles, la réflexion et la représentation. Quels changements apporteriez-vous pour garantir l’accessibilité et l’inclusion sur toutes les plateformes médiatiques ? Quels conseils donneriez-vous aux créateurs de contenu et aux diffuseurs pour garantir une expérience plus inclusive à tous et toutes ? »
Pour la Bourse d’études commémorative Bridgeman Hogue, vous devez vous identifier comme étudiant.e du postsecondaire ou un.e étudiant.e ayant un handicap visuel admis.e dans un établissement postsecondaire. Pour ce faire, vous devrez répondre à la question sur le type de handicap dans le formulaire d’autodéclaration facultatif.
Puis-je faire une demande pour une bourse d’études NEADS si j’ai déjà reçu une bourse du Programme d’accessibilité et de résilience ? Oui, vous pouvez faire une demande comme il s’agit de deux programmes distincts.
Quel type de professionnel.e peut remplir l’attestation d’un bon dossier scolaire ?
Les personnes travaillant dans les domaines suivants peuvent remplir l’attestation : conseils d’orientation, direction d’école, bureau du registraire, coordination de programmes, conseils pédagogiques, spécialistes de l’apprentissage, conseils en matière de handicap.
À partir de quand les réponses sont-elles transmises aux récipiendaires ?
Les récipiendaires recevront une réponse au début de 2023.
Quelles preuves d’inscription sont acceptées ?
Nous acceptons les preuves d’inscription du bureau du registraire de votre établissement scolaire ou une lettre d’acceptation.
For the purpose of these awards, a permanent disability is a permanent functional limitation which affects the ability of the student to participate fully in post-secondary education.
The types of disabilities considered nclude but are not limited to: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder, Chronic Medical Disabilities, Head Trauma / Acquired Brain Injury, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD),Hearing Impairments, Learning Disabilities, Mobility Disabilities, Psychiatric / Mental Health Disabilities, Visual Impairments, and Episodic Disabilities (e.g. multiple sclerosis, arthritis).
How do I submit proof of disability?
We do not require proof of disability at the time of application in order to simplify the application process and to reduce the document burden on students as not all applicants are selected for funding.
However, should you be selected as a Recipient, before we provide you with the funding we will ask for proof of disability. The following forms of documentation/proof that indicate you have a permanent disability are accepted:
Where possible, the type of disability should not be mentioned in the documentation to respect your privacy and confidentiality. Any other type of documentation will not be accepted.
All recipients will be contacted by email. Due to the volume of applications received, only those selected as award recipients will be contacted.
Referees will be sent a reference form to fill out to their email address. Applicants must indicate the exact name and email address of their referees in their application. Applicants should advise their references to check their spam folder for the link to the reference form.
Once you finish your application a receipt of completion will be sent to your email.
Applicants are invited to submit their application in the official language of their choice (English or French). Documents are reviewed by bilingual staff for completeness.
Electronic files are accepted in the following formats: Microsoft Word (DOC), (DOCX) and Adobe Acrobat (PDF).
All submissions become the property of NEADS and will not be returned. Once submitted, applications forms are final and may not be modified.
Should your contact information change, please inform our Financial Assistance Program Team by email at
Applicants must be currently registered in post-secondary education at a designated Canadian college, university or cégep at the time of application and be returning to school in the fall. Students on leave are not eligible to apply.
Only one reference of each type will be considered by the selection committee. Your reference can be either an academic or a community reference.
Who can I use as an appropriate academic or community reference?
Anyone who can speak to your academic performance, volunteerism, extra-curricular activities or employment history. For example, a professor/instructor, a manager, or a leader of an organization you volunteer with. This individual cannot be a family member, friend, spouse or colleague.
Yes, unless indicated otherwise you will be considered for all awards.
For the AMI scholarship, please answer the AMI specific application question in your
application to be considered for this award:
“AMI’s vision is to establish and support a voice for Canadians with disabilities, representing their interests, concerns and values through accessible media, reflection and portrayal. What changes would you make to ensure accessibility and inclusion across all media platforms? What advice would you offer content creators and broadcasters to guarantee a more inclusive experience for all?”
For the Bridgeman Hogue Memorial Scholarship, you must identify as a post-secondary student or a student entering a post-secondary institution with a visual disability. This will be done through the disability type question on the optional self-declaration form.
Yes, you may apply, as they are separate programs.
Acceptable professionals include: guidance counsellors, principals, registrar department staff, program coordinators, academic advisors, learning strategists, disability advisors.
Recipients will be notified early in 2023.
Acceptable proof is either a proof of enrollment letter from your school’s registrar office, or an acceptance letter.