
Faculty Awareness and Training in the Post-Secondary Community: An Annotated Bibliography

Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Policies, Processes, Procedures (3rd Edition, 1999)


The Special Needs Office of Sault College has developed Policies, Processes, Procedures. This document explains, in great detail, how the special needs office operates.

The manual is divided into three sections. The first explains the institution's disability policies and the Special Needs Centre. This section is more general in nature and primarily describes philosophical concepts. Specific rules are identified regarding confidentiality issues, test and exam proctoring, acquiring accommodations, designated parking, etc. The second section discusses the implementation of these policies. The last section addresses the procedures and contains step-by-step instructions on completing activities and forms. Closing out the manual are various appendices. These appendices discuss topics such as test accommodation definitions, testing rules, guidelines for notetakers, orientation for deaf students, information for faculty about deaf students, preparation for team interpreting/note-taking and techniques for working together as a team for deaf students. This is the third edition of the manual; it is consistently being changed and made current. This guide will be helpful for professors, service providers, tutors, interpreters, proctors, note-takers and students with disabilities.

Faculty Manual for Students with Disabilities


This 20-page manual is designed specifically for faculty. It informs professors of the work of the disability centre. It allows professors the opportunity to understand their legal obligations when teaching a student with a disability. The guide begins by mentioning certain equity legislation. This legislation defines the requirement to provide students with proper academic and testing accommodations.

Contact information and a description of available services are included. The handbook ends by discussing appropriate interaction with blind, deaf, hard of hearing and mobility-impaired students. Appendix A is an example of the "Needs Assessment Form." Professors will be sent this form, along with a list of accommodations, whenever accommodations are required for a student in the classroom.

Joseph S. West
Counselor/ Coordinator
Special Needs Office
Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology
443 Northern Avenue
P.O. Box 60
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
P6A 5L3
Phone: 705-759-2554 ext 491
TTY: 705-946-8619
Fax: 705-759-9857
Web site:
