Faculty Awareness and Training in the Post-Secondary Community: An Annotated Bibliography
Further Reading
ACCESS: How Best To Serve Postsecondary Students Who Are Hard of Hearing. 1999 (ERIC No. ED440490. )
Faba, Neil and White, Erinne. Networking, Educating, Advocating: Delivering Success in The New Millennium: NEADS 2000 Conference Proceedings, National Educational Association of Disabled Students, 2000.
Finn, Laurie Lawler. Students' Perceptions of Beneficial LD Accommodations and Services at the Postsecondary Level. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability; v13 n1 p46-67 Win 1998. 1998
Hubka, David and Killean, Emer. Working Towards A Coordinated National Approach to Services, Accommodations and Policies For Post-Secondary Students With Disabilities: Ensuring Access to Higher Education and Career Training. National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS), 1999.
Nielsen, Julia A. Increasing Awareness of Learning Disabilities. Alberta Journal of Educational Research; v43 n2-3 p169-72 Sum-Fall 1997. 1997
Norman, Katherine, Caseau, Dana and Stefanich, Greg P. Teaching Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Science Classrooms: Survey Results. Science Education; v82 n2 p127-46 Apr 1998. 1998
Scott, Sally S.; Gregg, Noel. Meeting the Evolving Education Needs of Faculty in Providing Access for College Students with LD. Journal of Learning Disabilities; v33 n2 p158-67 Mar-Apr 2000. 2000
Tait, Kathleen and Purdie, Nola. Attitudes towards Disability: Teacher Education for Inclusive Environments in an Australian University. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education; v47 n1 p25-38 Mar 2000. 2000
Note: These readings, with the exception of the NEADS publications, were referenced from the ERIC database.