High School Transition

Funding and Scholarship Programs

Manitoba Vocational Rehabilitation Program

Support for post-secondary education in Manitoba under the Vocational Rehabilitation Program may include funding for tuition and books, as well as for disability-related accommodations such as assistive technology or sign language interpretation. Eligibility for these supports is determined by a Vocational Counselor.

At the time of writing, there was a waiting list of approximately one year for tuition and books for multi-year post-secondary educational programs. However, no waiting list was reported for short-term skills training, academic upgrading and disability-related supports.

Department of Family Services and Housing
Vocational Rehabilitation Program
119-114 Garry St.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 4V4
Tel: (204) 945-2670
Fax: (204) 945-5668
Email: comliv@gov.mb.ca
Web site: www.gov.mb.ca/fs/programs/clv/fs0clv05.html
