High School Transition

Funding and Scholarship Programs

The Terry Fox Humanitarian Award Program

The Government of Canada initiated the Terry Fox Humanitarian Award Program on behalf of the Canadian people in recognition of the achievements of Terry Fox. The program encourages Canadian youth to seek the ideals of Terry Fox. It is a renewable award, subject to certain academic criteria and students who are attending both college and university programs are eligible. Selection criteria are based on demonstration of good citizenship and humanitarian service, perseverance in overcoming obstacles, the pursuit of academic excellence, and the pursuit of excellence in amateur sport, fitness and health.

The value of each award is $4,000 annually, up to a maximum of four years until a degree is obtained. Between 35 and 40 students with disabilities receive the award each year. However, the scholarship is not restricted to students with disabilities. In parts of the country where no tuition fees are applicable, the award value is $2,500.

Applicants must be Canadian citizens or be in the process of applying for citizenship at the time of the application, and be under 25 years of age. Applications must be received by February 1, with supporting documents attached. For further information contact:

Terry Fox Humanitarian Award Program
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A 1S6
Tel: (604) 291-3057
Fax: (604) 291-3311
Email: terryfox@sfu.ca
Web site: www.terryfox.org
