NEADS Online Calendar

Mental Health Commission of Canada
Knowledge is Power: Equip your Workplace with the Skills to Take Action
Ottawa, Ontario
October 26, 2016
Knowledge is Power: Equip your Workplace with the Skills to Take Action Webinar

Wednesday, October 26, 2016 12:00 pm

Training is a key component of the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace and can be used to build staff and management’s awareness and confidence.

This webinar will feature two training programs available through the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC): Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) and The Working Mind (TWM). MHFA is a course that allows participants to gain the confidence and the skills to respond effectively to emerging mental health problems and crises. MHFA has been proven to reduce stigma, and increase confidence and willingness to help others. TWM focuses on stigma reduction, increasing resiliency skills and acquiring skills to manage stress. This course helps staff recognize signs of declining and poor mental health in themselves and in others.

You will also hear from a champion in this field, Nova Scotia’s Public Service Commission, and learn about their strategy to train staff members in both programs.

Guest Speakers:

Carolyn Campbell
Senior Consultant- Psychological Health and Safety
Nova Scotia Public Service Commission

Amy Fogarty
Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health Commission of Canada

Sue Mercer
Opening Minds
Mental Health Commission of Canada

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