
Call for Papers: 14th Annual Multiple Perspectives on Access, Inclusion & Disability conference Ohio State University's Columbus Campus

"Multiple Perspectives 2014" will be held from April 16 - 17, 2014 at Ohio State University's Columbus Campus in Columbus, Ohio. We recently marked the fortieth anniversary of passing of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the disability community is beginning to plan for the  25th anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) in 2015.  Both past and future seemed present when reviewing thirteen years of Multiple Perspective’s programs to prepare this year’s call for presentations.  A quote from Earl C. Kelly inspired this year’s theme, More Important Things.

“We have not succeeded in answering all our problems - indeed we sometimes feel we have not completely answered any of them. The answers we have found have only served to raise a whole set of new questions. In some ways we feel that we are as confused as ever, but we think we are confused on a higher level and about more important things.”  

The quote and the theme speak to the progress we have made and the journey still ahead.  What have we learned?  Where are we going? What are the important questions for the next 25 years?

Multiple Perspectives is an ongoing exploration of disability as a reflection of the human condition seen through multiple lenses (theory, discipline, social constructs, personal experience, shared experience…).  Preference will be given to presentations that encourage conversations across the typical divisions (medical and social, education and employment, research and practice, business and government, rights and charity …) Proposers are encouraged to consider parallels, distinctions and intersections with race, gender and ethnicity.   

Past programs and conference updates as they become available can be found at:

To be on the mailing list for the conference, send e-mail to

The Multiple Perspectives Conference is made possible thanks to the generosity of the Ethel Louise Armstrong Foundation Endowment Fund and ongoing support from The Ohio State University’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion.


Proposals are due January 6th, 2014

Proposals should be submitted by e-mail as an attachment (Word, Word Perfect, TXT, or RTF formats)  to  with Multiple Perspectives 2014 in the subject line.

Proposals must include:

1.     Name of each presenter with  titles,  institutions, employers etc. as appropriate

2.     Contact information (phone, mailing address, and e-mail) if there is more than one presenter please indicate one individual as the contact and lead presenter.

3.     Title of Presentation   (12 words or less)

4.     Description  (700 words or less)   Please describe the content, focus and desired outcomes for the presentation using these questions as a guide.

·       What is the format of the presentation (Lecture, Panel, Discussion, Performance, Other)?

·       Who is the intended audience (educators, employers, businesses, advocates, students, consumers, researchers, or other)?

·       How familiar should the audience be with the topic (beginner, intermediate, advanced)?

·       What are your three main goals for the presentation?

Please Note:  The full conference fees will be waived and lunch provided for presenters of accepted proposals. Presenters are responsible for their own travel and lodging.

L. Scott Lissner, ADA Coordinator
Address: ADA Coordinator's Office, The Ohio State University,
Ground Level; Hale Hall
154 W. 12th Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: 614-292-6207 (Voice)
614-688-8605 (TTY)
614-688-3665 (Fax)

Conference website:
