
National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) General Meeting on November 1st

On Sunday November 1st, 2020 the National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) will be holding the NEADS General Meeting from 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. EDT. We invite post-secondary students and graduates with disabilities, disabled student leaders and allies in our community to join us for an exciting agenda and an opportunity to contribute your voices to our work representing Canadian college, university and Cégep students with disabilities.
The NEADS General Meeting will feature a report from Margaret Lyons-MacFarlane, NEADS Chair and New Brunswick Director and other members of the NEADS Board and Staff will be available to contribute to the proceedings and answer your questions. We have also invited on-campus disabled students' groups and their coordinators from across Canada to deliver presentations on their programming and initiatives. There will be a report from our partner the Quebec Association for Equity and Inclusion in Post-Secondary Education (AQEIPS). And as NEADS is a member group of the Council of Canadians With Disabilities (CCD), there will also be a report from CCD on its work as the leading advocacy group of people with disabilities in Canada.
Real-time captioning and sign language interpretation will be offered, along with simultaneous English-French interpretation. Further, specific details of the agenda, along with a list of speakers and the organizations they represent will be available soon. In the meanwhile, please register for the NEADS General Meeting online on this page
1.    Land Acknowledgement - Margaret Lyons-MacFarlane, Chair/New Brunswick Director, NEADS
2.    NEADS Chair's report - Margaret Lyons-MacFarlane, Chair/New Brunswick Director, NEADS
3.    Council of Canadians With Disabilities (CCD) report - Chloée Godin-Jacques, NEADS CCD Rep (introduction).; Roxana Jahani Aval, Chair of CCD/NEADS Past-Chair
4.    Quebec Association for Equity and Inclusion in Post-Secondary Education (AQEIPS) - Yanick Racicot, Director General, AQEIPS
5.    NEADS Students Awards Program/Accessibility Resilience Program - Lauren Gravis, Director, NEADS Student Awards and Eniola Akisanmi, NEADS Student Awards Program Assistant
6.    MSU Maccess, McMaster University -  Calvin Prowse (Coordinator), Mehrunnisa Shiraz (Logistics Executive), Emunah Woolf (Advocacy Executive)
7.    University of Winnipeg Students' Association - Sarah Anderson, UWSA Accessibility Director, “More Than a Door” campaign
8.    Students for Barrier Free Access (SBA), University of Toronto - Alisha Krishna - Treasurer; Xintian Tan - Chair
9.    York Federation of Students Access Centre (YFS Access Centre) - Shay Harris, Coordinator
10.    Memorial University Disability Information Support Centre (MUN DISC) - Jenn Wilkins, Coordinator; Antonia Francis, NEADS Newfoundland Director/Secretary
11.    NEADS Fund Development Committee - Chloée Godin-Jacques, NEADS Fund Development Committee Co-Chair/Ontario Director and Adam Retsinas, NEADS Fund Development Committee Co-Chair/Alberta Director
12.    NEADS Audited Financial Statements Report 2019/2020
13.    New NEADS Committees Launch (Seeking Volunteers) - Chloée Godin-Jacques, NEADS Vice Chair/Ontario Director; Margaret Lyons-MacFarlane, NEADS Chair; Tayler Glaspey, NEADS Vice Chair/British Columbia Director
Hope to engage with you on November 1st!
Yours Sincerely,
Margaret Lyons-MacFarlane, Chair, New Brunswick, Director
Frank Smith, National Coordinator
National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS)
Rm. 514 Unicentre, Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6, tel. (613) 380-8065, ext. 201
