
Premier’s Council on Disabilities New Brunswick - SURVEY: Barriers to Post-Secondary Education

The Premier’s Council on Disabilities is pleased to be working with four Renaissance College students this year.
Renaissance College uses hands-on, social learning extensively and promotes experiential learning through internships and other community organization projects.

The students are working with the Council as part of their Community Problem Solving course. The course allows students, in small teams, to collaborate with government agencies and community-based organizations on joint problem solving in a project-based environment. Students are given the opportunity to put their leadership and learning skills into action. As well, the course helps students develop an understanding of community issues, organizations and change.

As part of this initiative, our student consultation group has developed a survey.

The target audience is New Brunswick residents, including temporary residents here for education, above the age of 18. The audience includes current and past students, as well as those who have had any experience within the post-secondary education system in New Brunswick. This includes individuals who have considered but decided against pursuing post-secondary education.
The students are researching the barriers faced by persons with disabilities or varying abilities within the post-secondary education system with the goal of reducing these barriers at a provincial level.

Please find the survey attached and share it with your network.

Thank you so much for your support.

Premier's Council on Disabilities / Conseil du premier ministre pour les personnes handicapées
250 rue King Street, suite 140 Fredericton NB E3B 9M9     
Tel/Tél: 506-444-3989 Toll-free/ Sans frais: 1-800-442-4412
Email/Courriel :
