
Research Participants Needed: Exploring the Experiences of Disabled Faculty Members using Institutional Ethnography

Exploring the Experiences of Disabled Faculty Members using Institutional Ethnography

My name is Kealin McCabe and I am a UBC doctoral student. I am hoping to interview academics working in Canadian post-secondary institutions who identify as disabled or as having a disability to learn about their experiences going through the tenure and/or promotion process.

I am looking to conduct expert interviews [60 - 90 minutes] exploring:
a) How your disability has shaped your experience in acquiring this status,
b) What other types of work you undertake or experience during this process,
c) How your experience has been shaped by the policies you have encountered.
I am hoping that this project will contribute to an understanding around policy and structural changes in higher education to facilitate the inclusion of disabled academics. Participation in this study is voluntary and your participation in this study may be withdrawn at anytime.

Please contact Kealin McCabe for more information about the study and your potential participation.
Twitter: @Kealin_McCabe
UBC Ethics ID # H20-02310.
