Take action against University of Toronto's Mandated leave of Absence Policy (UMLAP)
Students for Barrier-Free Access (SBA) is writing to ask for your support regarding an urgent issue occurring at the University of Toronto. Post-secondary institutions across North America have been adopting university-mandated leave of absence policy (UMLAP).
This policy gives the university the ability to use excessive discretionary power, lacks transparency, increases stress for students’ who need support, and fails to create correlation with meaningful increases in mental health resources that have been repeatedly raised by students. Key concerns and leave policy “best practices” previously outlined by the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) also continue to be absent from the Policy and its updates.
For more information, see here.
Students for Barrier Free Access (SBA) is a student-led, volunteer-driven, non-profit levy group advocating for the access and rights of disabled and mad-identified students at the University of Toronto. Our aim is to ensure that education is socially, environmentally, and financially accessible.
We advocate for disability justice and all of our programming and advocacy is shaped through this framework.
Please read, sign, and share widely the following petition.
Rain Chan, (pronouns: they/them), Campaigns Coordinator,
Students for Barrier Free Access (SBA)
215 Huron Street, Suite 924
University of Toronto
(416) 967-7322,