Programme de bourses de l’AQEIPS !/AQEIPS Scholarships Program!
This year, the Quebec Association for Equity and Inclusion in Post-Secondary Education (AQEIPS) is launching the 24th edition of its scholarships program for post-secondary students with disabilities. You can read the program description and the application form. Please note that you have to connect with a Gmail account to fill out the form. Please read these documents carefully for all the information about our scholarships program, including the application requirements and selection criteria.*
In the program description, you will find the list of documents to include with your application. To apply and have a chance to win one of our scholarships, please submit the required documents through the application form by February 15, 2023.
Don’t hesitate to email us at if you have any questions or would like more information. Note that one of the criteria to be eligible for the scholarships program is to be an AQEIPS member. Therefore, if you are not already a member, please fill out the membership form to become a member. You will then be asked to attach your membership form to the scholarship application form. AQEIPS membership is free for students with disabilities.
*If these documents are not accessible for you, don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help to fill them out.
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