Invitation to Participate: The Impacts of the Pandemic on the Educational Experiences of Canadian Graduate Students with Disabilities
Have something to say about your experience of being a graduate student during a pandemic? Now is your chance.
My name is Dr. Kathleen Clarke and I’m an Assistant Professor at Wilfrid Laurier University in the Faculty of Education. I’m conducting a study about the COVID-19 experiences of graduate students with disabilities across Canada and I’m wondering if you would like to participate.
The study involves the completion of a survey with the option of doing a follow-up virtual interview.
If you volunteer to complete a follow-up interview, you will receive a $10 Amazon gift card.
The survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete, and it includes questions about the academic impact of the pandemic, your sense of belonging on campus, the sources of supports you’ve accessed, and how you would improve the supports on campus. The follow-up virtual interviews will involve further discussion of key findings from the survey once data analysis is completed and will take approximately 45 minutes.
This research study has received approval through the Wilfrid Laurier University Research Ethics Board (REB #8504).
If you are interested in participating, please follow to view and complete the consent form for the survey on Qualtrics. You will then be directed to complete the survey. You will be asked at the end of the survey if you would like to complete a follow-up interview.
We recognize that participants may have accessibility needs that mean Qualtrics is not suitable for completion of the survey. There are two other options for completing the survey:
Via email: you may email Dr. Kathleen Clarke at and she will email you a copy of the survey to complete.
Via phone or Teams: you may email Dr. Clarke to arrange a time to connect on the phone or on Microsoft Teams to complete the survey. The questions will be read out loud to you and you will be able to verbally respond.
Other: we are committed to ensuring folks are able to participate in a way that works best for them. If you have other ideas for ways that you prefer, please contact the Principal Investigator and other modalities may be arranged.
Kathleen Clarke, PhD
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education
Wilfrid Laurier University