Subject Line: Participate in a Study on Transportation and Accessibility!
How does access to transportation impact your education?
If you are a post-secondary student that self identifies as a person with a disability, we would like to hear about your transportation experiences! Please consider participating in a study about the impact of transportation on access to education for students with disabilities.
Despite accessibility standards put in place by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, inaccessible transportation continues to limit the participation of individuals with disabilities in post-secondary education in Canada. This research study aims to improve our understanding of the relationship between transportation, education and social well-being for students with disabilities in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). A better understanding of students' transportation experiences and challenges will help us address students' travel needs in planning and policy making.
This research project is conducted in collaboration with the StudentMoveTO research and partnership program. This program aims to create new pathways for public policy, institutional planning and enhanced student support services by bringing together students, researchers, universities, and policy makers to improve our understanding of the travel behavior of students in the GTHA.
Participation in this study will involve an interview online or through the phone. The interview will take approximately 30-45 minutes. To learn more about the study or to participate, please email This study has been approved by York University's Research Ethics board.