Call for Presentations and Information/Vendor Booths - Accessible-AT 2014, Saskatoon
Disability Services for Students at the University of Saskatchewan is pleased to announce an exciting new conference!
Accessible-AT 2014
October 27-28
University of Saskatchewan, Convocation Hall, Peter MacKinnon Building, 105 Administration Place,
City of Saskatoon.
This conference is open to everyone at no cost. Presentations will focus on a wide-range of assistive technologies and their applications for people with disabilities across all age groups. The audience will include disability professionals from all areas, including advisors, teachers, therapists, clinicians, parents, and users of AT.
Conference Schedule
October 27th -
1pm-1:50pm: Presentation #1
2pm-2:50pm: Presentation #2
3pm-3:50pm: Presentation #3
October 28th -
9am-9:50am: Presentation #4
10am-10:50am: Presentation #5
11am-11:50am: Presentation #6
12pm-4pm: Information Fair
Presentation Information:
Presentation themes can include AT products and best AT practices and strategies in education, rehabilitation, vocation, and independent living. We encourage proposals from a broad spectrum of perspectives, and we recommend providing reference materials such as handouts.
Deadline for Presentation Submissions: June 15th, 2014.
Please email presentation ideas to:
Information/Vendor Booth:
Each booth participant will be provided with one table. There are a limited number of electrical outlets so electricity will be given on a first come, first serve basis to participants who ask. In order to offer a successful and interactive booth, here are some items that you should bring:
• Colourful poster or backboard display
• A tablecloth (table is approximately 2.5’ by 5’)
• Promotional or ‘freebie’ items
• Extension cord (if requiring electricity)
Please check the website for updated conference information:
Contact Information:
Chasity Berast, Certified Assistive Technologist
Advisor/Assistive Technology Specialist
Disability Services for Students
University of Saskatchewan
105 Administration Place
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A2
Phone: 306-966-2669, Fax: 306-966-1170