
Strengthening Financial Literacy - Government of Canada

(Ottawa - October 27, 2014)

The Government of Canada is developing a national strategy for financial literacy that we would like to ensure is inclusive, relevant and accessible for all Canadians, and takes into consideration ways to meet the needs of those who may have different financial literacy needs.  

The 2009 Canadian Financial Capability Survey found that low-income Canadians, newcomers and Aboriginal peoples could benefit from further strengthening in at least three of the five areas that make up the Financial Literacy Index.  These include: making ends meet, planning ahead, and staying informed about developments in the financial marketplace. Other research has shown that the low-income population includes disproportionate numbers of people with disabilities, women and single adults. For this reason, these groups have been identified as priority groups.

The consultation paper Toward a National Strategy for Financial Literacy, Phase 2 is intended to encourage discussion:

The document includes a number of questions related to the proposed goal and objectives on which we will be seeking stakeholder views and input.

Stakeholders from the public, private and non-profit sectors will take part in in-person sessions across the country.

All Canadians are encouraged to submit their comments on the questions raised in the consultation paper by mail or email by December 10, 2014.

We look forward to hearing from you as we move forward with the development of the national strategy for financial literacy.  Your input will be valuable as we work towards advancing our common financial literacy goals.

Jane Rooney
Financial Literacy Leader
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
