Accessible Media Inc. Scholarship Program 2012
Accessible Media Inc. (AMI) is a not-for-profit multimedia organization operating two broadcast services, AMI-audio and AMI-tv, and a companion website ( AMI serves more than five million Canadians who are blind or partially sighted, deaf or hard of hearing, learning disabled, mobility or print restricted, or learning English as a second language, by making print, broadcast and online media accessible. Our mission is simple: to make all media accessible to all Canadians.
We are proud to introduce the 2012 Accessible Media Inc. Scholarship Program. Two scholarships of $5,000 each will be awarded, one of which will be reserved for a student with a permanent disability.
To be eligible for the Accessible Media Inc. Scholarship Program, you must:
Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada
Be a student planning to enrol, or continuing to be enrolled, in full-time studies in a diploma or degree program at a Canadian post-secondary school in the 2012/2013 academic term
Students who attend or will be attending a Canadian post-secondary school in the 2012/2013 academic term in a reduced course load due to a permanent disability, but who are still considered by their post-secondary institution to be full-time students, are also eligible.
The deadline to submit your application is Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 3:00pm EST