University of Toronto Students for Barrier-Free Access (SBA) Student Scholarship
To support the work of disabled students at the University of Toronto, Students for Barrier-Free Access has created the SBA Student Scholarship. This scholarship will provide both undergraduate and graduate disabled students with some financial assistance to pursue their goals. Award amount: $1000.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Summer Semester: July 29th (student does not have to be enrolled in summer courses to apply, but must be returning in the fall)
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: This competition is open to all registered University of Toronto undergraduate and graduate students, including those in the professional graduate programs; International students are eligible to apply
1. Please complete the application form attached below, print and include with your submission.
2. Personal statement OR video/visual submission
Please attempt to answer these questions in either a written personal statement or video/visual submission.
What are you studying?
What stage are you at in your academic career?
When do you plan to complete your education?
Plans for career or community development?
What disability-related and other community(ies) are you a part of?
How do you connect your studies with disability organizing?
What type of impact could/do your studies have on the community(ies) that you are a part of or would like to be a part of?
List any extra-curricular projects and/or activities that are relevant
How will the winning the scholarship assist in achieving your goals? OR Video/visual submission:
Please describe (maximum 250 words) the ideas behind the piece, if necessary. Video: Maximum 5 minutes. Visual pieces: no restrictions. You have the option of submitting your work by either email, mail or in person (address below). For Youtube or other electronic video submissions, please send the link with your written description. (If you are mailing your submission please do so well in advance of the submission deadline in order for the package to arrive on time).
3. Two page (maximum) Resume/CV Outline professional skills, academic achievements, and community involvement experience.
4. 1 (maximum) academic OR community-member reference letter Referee should be able to speak to the student’s achievements and potential. Example: teacher, employer, community member or professor.
5. Letter confirming registration from department or registrar’s office (watermarked document in a sealed and signed envelope).
6. Students must demonstrate disability: Letter confirming registration status with Accessibility Services OR other documentation from service providers that demonstrates disability OR any other relevant document (such as a personal letter, maximum 250 words)
SBA-Student-Scholarship-Application (Microsoft Word Document)
About Students for Barrier-Free Access (SBA)
SBA is a non-profit, student group on campus that represents disabled students at the University of Toronto. Our approach is to establish a presence for disabled students on campus and to raise awareness, provide education, and effectively lobby the university for change.
Call us at: 416-967-7322
Drop in at: 215 Huron Street, Room 924 Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 11:30am – 5:30pm and Friday 12:30am – 5:30pm.