
Breaking It Down Montreal: Dialogues on Removing Barriers for People With Disabilities in The Workplace

Free for Post-Secondary Students and Recent Graduates with Disabilities and speaker/facilitators; $50 for Professionals. Lunch provided. This event will be offered in Engilsh and French.

Breaking it Down: Dialogues on Removing Barriers for People with Disabilities in the Workplace Friday, December 2nd 2016,  8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) Chaufferie (CO-R700) du pavillon Cœur des sciences 175, avenue du Président-Kennedy Montréal (Québec). This building can be accessed by entering the campus at 201 President-Kennedy.

For more information contact: 1-877-670-1256 Register now:

Workshop Topics:

Personal Branding and Social Media

Soft Skills: Challenges in the Workplace

Disclosure and Accommodation Barriers and Focused Career Goals

Presented by Association québécoise des étudiants ayant des incapacités au postsecondaire (AQEIPS) and Centre des services d’accueil et de soutien socioéconomique (UQAM). A National Educational Association of Disabied Students (NEADS) event.


Keynote/ discours d'ouverture

Richard Anctil, HR Business Partner, (East) Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Soft Skills: Challenges in the Workplace

Laurence Perreault-Rousseau, directrice générale de l'AQEIPS

Disclosure and Accommodation

Isabelle Hétu, Program Manager, Trucking Human Resources Canada

Barriers and Focused Career Goals

Chelsea Mohler MA Graduate, Wilfrid Laurier University National Educational Association of Disabled Students

What makes “Breaking it Down” different from other employment workshops?

Unlike most employment workshops that rely on a one-way flow of knowledge from employer to potential employee, student and employer participants will have the opportunity to engage in facilitated discussions aimed at creating a knowledge exchange process between employers and potential employees.

The Breaking It Down workshop is part of “Breaking Through Barriers”: An Employment Project To Support Persons With Disabilities, a national two–and-a-half year project funded by Labour Canada through its Workplace Opportunities: Removing Barriers to Equity program. The initiative is aimed at connecting recent graduates with disabilities and employers in the federally regulated sector, through in-person workshops and a unique web portal designed to create on-going relationships and resource sharing between disabled graduates and employers.

National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) Rm. 514 Unicentre, Carleton University Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6 tel. (613) 380-8065 ext. 201

"supporting access to post-secondary education and employment for students with disabilities"

Calendrier de l'atelier Workshop Schedule Calendrier de l'atelier

Workshop Schedule Time Activity 08h00 – 09h00 Enregistrement/RegistrationRéseautage

Rencontre avec les tableaux/Networking, Meet & Greet at Tables 09h00 – 09h10

Bienvenue et presentations/Welcome and Introductions Jeremiah Bach , Producteur d'événements/Event Producer, NEADS Rosie Arcuri, Conseiller/Advisor, NEADS 09h10—09h20

Description du projet WORB/WORB Project Description Chelsea Mohler, NEADS Chercheur / Consultant/NEADS Researcher/Consultant 09h20 - 09h45

discours d'ouverture/Keynote Speech : Richard Anctil, Partenaire des Resources Humaines/HR Business Partner, (est/East) Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation 09h45 – 10h05

Introduction à la session 1/Introduction to Session 1: Marketing personnel et médias sociaux/Personal Branding and Social Media Rose-Marie Wakil, Coordonnatrice des services et des communications, Vie autonome – Montréal 10h05 – 10h45

Discussions aux tables et rapport de retour/Table Discussions and Report Back– Saison/Session 1 10h45 – 11h00

Pause santé /Health Break 11h00 – 11h20

Introduction à la session 2 /Introduction to Session 2: Compétences relationnelles : les défis sur le lieu de travail Divulgation et mesures adaptatives/Soft Skills: Challenges in the Workplace Laurence Perreault-Rousseau, directrice générale de l'AQEIPS Chelsea Mohler, NEADS Chercheur / Consultant/NEADS Researcher/Consultant 11h20—12h00

Discussions aux tables et rapport de retour/Table Discussions and Report Back– Saison/Session 2 12h00 – 13h00

Déjeuner et réseautage/Lunch & Networking 13h00 – 13h20

Introduction à la session 3/Introduction to Session 3: Obstacles et objectifs de carrière defines/Barriers and Focused Career Goals Jessica, chargée de projets , AQEIPS Johanne Magloire, Responsable de l'éducation et de la cooperation/Education and Cooperation Officer, Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse/Quebec Human Rights Commission 13h20 – 14h00

Discussions aux tables et rapport de retour/Table Discussions and Report Back– Session 3 14h00 – 14h15

Health Break 14h15 – 14h35 Introduction à la session 4/Introduction to Session 4: Divulgation et hébergement en milieu de travail/Disclosure and Accommodation in the Workplace Isabelle Hétu, Gestionnaire de programmes/Program Manager, Ressources humaines camionnage Canada/Trucking HR Canada 14h35 – 15h15

Discussions aux tables et rapport de retour/Table Discussions and Report Back – Session 4 15h15 – 15h30

Programmes, services et possibilités de bénévolat de NEADS/NEADS Programs, Services and Volunteer Opportunities Rosie Arcuri, Conseiller/Advisor, NEADS 15h30 – 15h45

Conclusion, évaluations et conclusions/Wrap-up, Evaluations and Conclusions 15h45 – 16h30 La mise en réseau/Networking
