
Call for Papers/Appel à Contribution - 15th Annual Conference of the Canadian Disability Studies Association

May 27-29, 2018 University of Regina Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences Deadline for Proposals December 1, 2017 “Individuals located perilously at the interstices of race, class, gender, and disability are constituted as non-citizens and (no) bodies by the very social institutions (legal, educational, and rehabilitational) that are designed to protect, nurture, and empower them.” (Erevelles & Minear, 2013, p. 355) The Canadian Disability Studies Association-Association canadienne d’études sur le handicap (CDSA-ACÉH) invites proposals for presentations at the 15th annual conference, which will be held at the University of Regina in Regina Saskatchewan. CDSA-ACÉH welcomes presentations, panels, workshops, posters, and artistic contributions on a variation of the 2018 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences theme, “Grappling with Diversities.”

CDSA-ACÉH calls for works that examine the following question: How do we invite, reflect, and enact diversity in our scholarship, activism, and art on disability, Deafhood, and madness? This year’s Congress theme, “Gathering Diversities,” acknowledges the history of Regina, a city located on the territories of the Cree, Saulteaux, and Assiniboine, and the home of the Métis. The University of Regina specifically is located on Treaty 4 territory, with a presence in Treaty 6 territory. Regina’s original name Wascana, or oskana kâ-asastêki, meaning “where the bones are piled,” refers to the region’s heritage as buffalo hunting grounds for Plains cultures. Congress thus seeks to honour the history of the land as a gathering place. But the community-building entailed in our gathering takes careful, reflexive, and constant work, especially when our places of gathering, like Regina, hold ongoing histories of settler colonial violence. The CDSA-ACÉH conference is interested in what happens when there is a call for greater diversity, what diverse representation means, and how to navigate a community where difference is its unifying principle. In sum, CDSA-ACÉH is interested in asking: once we have gathered together, what comes next? Ours is a complex community, given the varied expressions and experiences of disability, Deafhood, and madness. Key to our scholarship, activism, and art has been the call to ensure our myriad manifestations and materializations of difference are recognized and respected: in architectural design, pedagogical strategy, political participation, cultural representation, and resource distribution, among other arenas. To navigate structural and generational disadvantage, our identification with the Disability Studies field must grapple with compounding and colliding privileges and oppressions—that is, how we relate to, are situated in, are affected by, and resist systems of ableism, colonialism, white supremacy, capitalism, patriarchy, hetero- and cis-normativity, and ageism. Reflection on, sensitivity to, and mobilization around diversity enables us to challenge the paradigmatic force of the “normate,” defined by Rosemarie Garland-Thomson as “the corporeal incarnation of culture’s collective, unmarked, normative characteristics” (2002, p. 10).

We challenge privileged standards by collectively constituting, imagining, and organizing around a body politic defined by its composite differences. We invite proposals that generally reflect or engage with Disability Studies, Deaf Studies, and Mad Studies. Proposals that demonstrate a connection to the theme “Grappling with Diversities” will be prioritized. Works both polished and in progress may take the form of reflections, storytelling, empirical studies, statistical analyses, theorizing, cultural critiques, methodological developments, professional or pedagogical interventions, art installations, and performance pieces. This call for proposals also extends a special invitation to community members and undergraduate students to submit. Instructors, professors, and community leaders are encouraged to share the call with their students, colleagues, and comrades, and to co-submit where appropriate. This call also welcomes submissions from persons interested in presenting at the conference remotely as long as presenters register as members of CDSA-ACÉH. Submissions are peer-reviewed by a panel composed of university and college faculty and students and community members. Read more about this year’s Congress here: Read more about CDSA-ACÉH here: Submission Guidelines Submit two Word documents via email attachment to by December 1, 2017: (1) an anonymized document containing your title, abstract, and 4-5 keywords (or collection of panel titles, abstracts, and keywords); and (2) a completed submission template. The subject line of the email should read, “CDSA-ACÉH 2018 Proposal.”

Your submission template must include the following information:

Presentation Title (for panels, list panel and presentation titles):

Thematic Stream (Open Call, Decolonizing Disability Movements, Negotiating Diversity, Bringing Disability In):

Proposal Format (Presentation, Panel, Workshop, Poster, Performance): Author name(s):

Affiliation(s)/Organization(s): Email(s): Biographical Note(s) (100-150 words per author):

Language of Presentation (ENG, FRE, ASL, LSQ): Audiovisual Needs (DVD, LCD projection, VHS):

Presentation Delivery (in-person, remote):

Thematic Streams All submissions must identify which of the following thematic streams their proposal falls into.

1. Open Call for Submissions Proposals that share explorations within the fields of Disability Studies, Deaf Studies, and Mad Studies or that adopt these perspectives but may not directly relate to the overarching conference theme of “Grappling with Diversities.”

2. Decolonizing Disability Movements This thematic stream broadly explores how disability, Deafhood, and madness are positioned in Canada’s ongoing colonial history. We welcome proposals related to: •residential schooling and institutionalization •Indigenous sovereignty movements •intergenerational trauma •environmental justice and body burdens

3. Negotiating Diversity This thematic stream explores the necessity, promise, and hurdles to intersectional and interdisciplinary work. We welcome proposals related to: •war, imperialism, and debility •police brutality •immigration restriction •cultural representation in popular media •collaborative scholarship and community mobilizing

4. Bringing Disability In This thematic stream explores how to build alliances in wider projects and movements to make space for disability, Deafhood, and madness.

We welcome proposals related to:

•involvement in legal and policy initiatives

•critical approaches to care •labour movements and union organizing

•grassroots advocacy work

•community arts projects

Proposal Format

Authors can submit multiple proposals, but can only be listed as first author on one presentation in the conference program.

1. Presentations Presentations must include a title, a 250 word abstract, and 4-5 keywords.

The abstract must include the following:

•stated purpose

•relevant literature

•explicit use of Disability Studies theory, perspective, or concepts •contributions to research, theory, activism, advocacy, or social change

2. Panels People (3-4 persons) submitting a panel must submit proposals around a central topic, theme, or approach.

The proposal must include the following, all in a single document:

•a panel title and a 100 word abstract that illustrates the coherence between each of the panel presentations

•a title, a 250 word abstract, and 4-5 keywords for each presentation (see Presentation guidelines for abstract criteria)

3. Workshops Interactive sessions must be organized around a central theme.

The proposal must include the following:

•a workshop title, a 250 word abstract, and 4-5 keywords (see Presentation guidelines for abstract criteria)

4. Posters People may ask for their work to be considered as a poster submission, or may be asked to present their work in poster format.

The proposal must include the following: •a poster title, a 250 word abstract, and 4-5 keywords (see Presentation guidelines for abstract criteria)

5. Performances This may include poetry reading, dance, or an installation (artwork, poetry, zine, etc.).

The proposal must include the following: •a performance title, a 250 word abstract, and 4-5 keywords (see Presentation guidelines for abstract criteria)
