
the Accessible Canada Act: An Act to ensure a barrier-free Canada

Good Morning/Afternoon,

As Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities, I was mandated by the Prime Minister to develop and introduce accessibility legislation.

I am pleased to inform you that on June 20 the Government of Canada introduced Bill C-81in Parliament, the Accessible Canada Act: An Act to ensure a barrier-free Canada. The goal of the proposed Accessible Canada Act is to ensure everyone, regardless of their abilities, can fully participate in our society and our economy. As part of the introduction of Bill C-81, our Government is investing approximately $290 million over six years to further the objectives of the legislation.

To support the development of the Accessible Canada Act, the Government of Canada held the largest and most accessible consultation on accessibility in Canada’s history, engaging with more than 6,000 Canadians, advocates, and leaders of the disability community from coast to coast. The proposed Accessible Canada Act is a testament to the advocacy and engagement of the disability community.

I invite you to visit the Accessible Canada website at : to learn more about the proposed Accessible Canada Act and what the Government of Canada is doing to improve accessibility for all Canadians, especially those with disabilities.

Thank you for the work and passion that went into developing this historic, ambitious, and forward-looking legislation. We are now one step closer to the progressive realization of a Canada without barriers.

Yours sincerely,

The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Science and Minister of Sport
and Persons with Disabilities
