
British Columbia Student Outcomes reports now available - The 2017 Highlights

August 15, 2018 -

To find out what post-secondary students in B.C. said about their education, what they learned, and what they are doing now, check out The 2017 Highlights.

Publications -

When someone participates in one of our surveys they are helping to create an exciting narrative about British Columbia's post-secondary education system. These stories are woven within our various publications - from our Highlights documents and fact sheets, to reports and studies associates with the annual surveys.

Recent publications for the annual surveys can be found here:

    Diploma, Associate Degree, and Certificate Student Outcomes Survey Publications
    Baccalaureate Graduates Survey Publications
    Apprenticeship Student Outcomes Survey Publications

To search the entire library of publications, use the Publications Search Tool.

The Highlights

BC Student Outcomes - The 2017 Highlights

BC Student Outcomes - The 2016 Highlights

BC Student Outcomes - The 2015 Highlights

Fact Sheets

Cultural Diversity in British Columbia's Post-Secondary Student Population

Skills for Employment: What Are the Most Useful Skills Post-Secondary Students Acquire?

Moving On: The Mobility of Former Post-Secondary Students

Occupational Skill Levels by Credential

Student Outcomes Demographic Profile
