"I'm a Mad Student. Get Over It" at York University, April 4th - 5th
"I'm a MAD Student. Get Over It" is an event presented by the MAD Students Society, York Federation of Students' Access Centre and the Critical Disabilities Studies Students' Association. It will take place from Thursday, April 4th, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. and Friday, April 5th 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. in Room HNE 140, Health, Nursing and Environmental Studies Building, York University, Keele Campus, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto.
This event will showcase the perspectives of MAD-identified students and Professor David Reville from Ryerson's School of Disability Studies.
In lieu of the rising presence of stigma busting on campus and mental awareness campaigns, MAD students will talk back and offer their agenda on psychiatric oppression inside and outside the academy. Professor David Reville will discuss his experience as a MAD student and a MAD professor.
Voices from members of the MAD Students Society will present on various themes. Some examples include:
- Their own lived experiences and narratives as psychiatric consumers/survivors/ex-patients, MAD-identified individuals, crazy people and so on;
- The importance of MAD consciousness, history and community;
- The intersection of oppression and help;
- The use of language and MAD identity;
- Alternative perspectives to biomedical understandings of madness;
- Combating discrimination and/or sanism;
- Acknowledging barriers in accessibilty and accommodations;
- Psychiatric oppression and the "Anti-Oppressive Framework.
For further details go to the MAD Students website:
or the event on Facebook: