The Bell Aliant Pioneers of New Brunswick Scholarship for Students With Disabilities
Scholarship applications are now being accepted
The Bell Aliant Pioneers of New Brunswick Chapter 51 Scholarship Foundation, Inc. awards are annual, renewable scholarships to young New Brunswickers with physical or mental health disabilities who wish to advance their education beyond high school.
To be eligible for one of these scholarships, applicants must have a physical or mental disability and be a resident of New Brunswick. Students meeting this criteria and who will be completing high school, as well as eligible students who completed high school in recent years and who have not yet completed any further educational programs beyond high school are encouraged to apply.
Application process
Each applicant is assessed on his/her academic ability, community and school participation, plans for continued education, long-term goals, and the need for financial assistance.
• Complete the attached scholarship application form. Be sure to submit all the information requested, including items that are to be provided on separate pages.
• Enclose a transcript of marks.
• The foundation will be submitting notification of any awards to newspapers and other media outlets in recipients' region.
• Successful applicants and news agencies will be made aware of the awarding of scholarships in June, 2019.
Send applications to:
Bell Aliant Pioneers of New Brunswick Chapter 51 Scholarship Foundation Inc.
Attention Sheila Robichaud
64 Alison Boulevard
Fredericton, NB
E3C 1N2
Envelopes should be clearly marked "SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION" and must be postmarked by March 29, 2019.
Inquiries may be made to Isabelle Boulet at (506) 457-5554 or Sheila Robichaud at (506) 457-6401.
• Scholarships may be valued up to $2000 each. The actual amount of each scholarship may vary depending on the program of education successful applicants have chosen. Tuition, books, adaptive equipment and services as well as other program–related fees will all be considered.
• The scholarships are available for various types of educational programs, which may include government-recognized university, college and other certificate/diploma programs.
• Scholarships may be renewed on an annual basis, but applications are still required. Previous recipients will not receive preferential consideration.
• The number of scholarships offered may vary each year, according to the financial status of the Foundation.
• The decision of the Foundation's selection committee (or board of directors) is final.
Please read this form and provide us with the information outlined. Applications and all supporting documents must be postmarked by March 29, 2019.
Personal Data
Name _____________________________________ S.I.N. ____________________________
Home Address _______________________________________________________________
Telephone ________________________ Email: _____________________________________
This scholarship is offered only to students in New Brunswick who have mental and/or physical disabilities. On a separate page, please explain how you meet these eligibility criteria, and feel free to include further information and/or supporting documents.
High School Attended __________________________________________________
Curriculum ___________________________________________________________
Graduation Date _____________________________________________
* Please include an official copy of the most recent transcript of your marks.
• What other Awards/Scholarships have you earned/applied for? (Please list on separate page/pages.)
• What school and curriculum have you chosen for your program of study?
School ________________________ Curriculum ______________________
Other Information
Please provide details on separate page/pages
1) School Participation and Community Service: Please describe any activities you have participated in and any positions you have held in school and community organizations.
2) Special Achievements: Please provide information concerning other achievements, including special recognition or honours you have earned.
3) Qualifications and Goals: Please describe why you believe you qualify for this scholarship and outline your long-term goals. Please be specific.
4) Estimated Costs: Please describe the costs associated with your educational goals, including such information as sources of financing available to you; costs associated for living away from or traveling from home; any equipment or adaptive devices you will require and any other information that might help us understand your specific financial needs.
Letters of Reference
Please arrange to have sent to us, either with your application or separately, two letters of reference (not from family members.) The letters should include your academic and/or personal achievements.
References must be postmarked by March 29, 2019. Please note that your application will not be considered complete until we receive your letters of reference.
Confirmation of Application
In the space below, please provide us with your dated signature:
Signature __________________________________ Date ______________________
Thank you and best wishes on your future goals.