LP Ings Scholarship for Vision Impaired Students In Manitoba - Application Deadline, August 15th
There is time to apply for the 2013 LP Ings Scholarship administered by the Vision Impaired Resource Network (VIRN) in partnership with the Winnipeg Foundation.
If you are a student with a vision impairment living in Manitoba you are eligible to apply. Or if you know of a student with a vision impairment living in Manitoba, share this information with them.
What does an employer look for when they are hiring? They look for someone who has a good education and skills needed to fill the position. We hear this all the time!
VIRN realizes that this is what is needed to find a job. However, VIRN also understands how difficult it is for someone who is vision impaired to afford the high costs of an education or training in a trade. That is why VIRN with the support of the Winnipeg Foundation has been raising funds to award scholarships to people living with vision loss to help them follow their career goals.
The L. P. Ings Scholarship Fund was established in memory of Lawrence Ings, to assist Manitoba students who are vision impaired with their education and training. The successful recipient can use the $1,000.00 award to cover costs such as tuition, tutoring, text books, adaptive devices or software. For details regarding qualifying and applying for VIRN’s L. P. Ings Scholarship, visit the scholarship application page.
via VIRN
Contact VIRN
Vision Impaired Resource Network
PO Box 2454, Station Main
Winnipeg, MB R3C 4A7
Phone: 1-888-851-VIRN (8476)
News Line: 1-888-471-1919
Twitter: @virnca