
The Restigouche CBDC receives a new two year National project, for a second phase of Hire for Talent!

From 2015 - 2018, the Restigouche CBDC along with key partners, developed HIRE for TALENT, a campaign aimed to increase employer awareness about how people with disabilities are a talented part of the workforce. 
A part of the campaign, a free employer toolkit, a website and videos were created to help employers tap into this talent pool during their search for skilled workers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
The campaign reached over 77,000 employers across Canada.
Project Description
This new National project will build on the existing HIRE for TALENT campaign by bringing together supported employment service providers and organizations representing employers, to hold activities to help workplaces become more inclusive.
In collaboration with key partners, the Restigouche CBDC will also develop and launch new tools to help more employers connect with service providers, identify funding sources to make their work places more accessible and browse other inclusive employers.
Learn more here:

Contact us

For more information about the website or the HIRE for TALENT- Building an Inclusive Canadian Workforce awareness campaign, please contact us:

Contact Person

Aysleigh Lefurgey
Communications Coordinator

By Email

By Phone

(506) 753-3344

By Mail

Restigouche CBDC
41 Water Street
Campbellton, NB
E3N 1A6

