
2020 PAANS Scholarship Applications now being accepted for college and university students with disabilities in Nova Scotia

The Nova Scotia League for Equality Opportunities  is pleased to announce we are accepting the Partnership for Access Awareness Nova Scotia (PAANS)  scholarship applications for the 2020-21 academic year.

Awards: Six scholarships in the amount of $1,500.00; five in the amount of $2,000.00; and four, in the amount of $1000.00 are anticipated to be available for the academic year beginning September 2020.

Conditions: To be considered, scholarship applicants must:

Be a person with a permanent disability. 'Permanent Disability' means a limitation that restricts the ability of a person to perform the activities necessary to participate in educational activities or in the labour force within the range considered normal. This limitation is expected to remain with the person for life;

Be a permanent resident of Nova Scotia;

Be entering or continuing studies, at the undergraduate level, in a Canadian post-secondary institution that is recognized by the Universities Canada; and

Not be involved in the selection process or be a close family member of any scholarship selection committee member.

To apply, all parts of the attached scholarship application form must be completed in full and all supporting documentation must be included. All required documentation must be received by MAIL, or EMAIL to the Partnership for Access Awareness - NS (for address, see below) no later than 4:30 pm on Friday, April 3rd, 2020.

Application forms are available through the Nova Scotia League for Equal Opportunities website: or through your guidance counselor. The application form in PDF format is available. 

Applications can be emailed or mailed to:

Partnership for Access Awareness Nova Scotia (PAANS):  C/o Nova Scotia League for Equal Opportunities,  218 Club Road, Hatchet Lake NS B3T 1R2,  Tel: 902.455.6942 Email:
