e-Newsletter Submission Guidelines
The NEADS e-Newsletter is looking for submissions! If you know of an event, activity or project in your area or school that you think we should feature in our new bimonthly e-Newsletter, or have an idea for an article you’d like to write, we want to hear from you! Please read the following guidelines for suggestions, ideas and examples of what to submit.
Submissions should contain articles of approximately 250 words in length, and include:
- A clear title
- The author’s name
- The author’s school or organization
- The author’s contact information (telephone, email and mailing address)
- Articles may have more than one author; in this situation, please also identify which author is our point of contact, who can speak on behalf of all authors.
Here is a list of potential topics for submitted articles:
- Profiles: A person with a disability doing something interesting or exciting. It can be a NEADS member you might know, or simply someone in the community whose work is relevant.
- Local flavour: Highlighting a campus group, access committee, or a local disability event that should be recognized.
- Reprinted with permission articles on disability/postsecondary education that could be of interest to NEADS members.
- Creativity corner: It can consist of art in a diversity of forms (visual arts, poetry, etc.)
- Useful tools and information: It can consist of programs that could be beneficial to students with disabilities (financial programs, such as the RDSP, the CSLP, Etc.)
- Research summaries: Highlights of key research projects of interest and of benefit to NEADS members.
Articles are not limited to the previous topics. Other ideas are welcome!
All articles will be reviewed by the NEADS e-Newsletter editor. We reserve the right to edit articles as necessary. If additional material is required for the article, we will communicate directly with the author(s).
Please send all articles to the e-Newsletter editor at info@neads.ca