Faculty Awareness and Training in the Post-Secondary Community: An Annotated Bibliography
Canadore College
North Bay, OntarioThe Day Planner Guide to Success
GuideThe special needs office of Canadore College has developed a "day planner" to help their students manage their time more efficiently. This 34-page planner helps students become aware of impending deadlines and also provides clear guidelines for the use of special needs services. Both professors and students can benefit from the information presented in this guide. The first section focuses on Canadore College's special needs functions and services that are provided. Office procedures are outlined and a welcome to faculty and students is presented.
The first section discusses procedures for tests and exams, books-on-tape, peer tutoring, personal, academic, and career counseling. This chapter also addresses financial aid and awards, residence life; security, health and library services.
The second section of the guide addresses organization and time management skills. Helpful techniques such as the SQ3R technique are presented.
SQ3R is an abbreviation for:
- S - Survey.
- Q - Questions.
- R - Read.
- R - Recite.
- R - Review.
Worksheets are presented for use as organizational aids. The following sheets are available:
- daily, weekly and monthly planners.
- test dates planner.
- course organization sheet.
- reading, notetaking and lecture planner.
- course timetable and assignment analysis worksheet.
- available time analysis worksheet.
Wendy Milne
Support Services, Student Services
Canadore College Applied Arts and Technology
P.O. Box 5001
North Bay, Ontario P1B 8K9
Phone: 705-474-7600 ext. 5205
Voice Mail: 705-474-7601
Fax: 705-495-2862
TTY: 705-495-2862
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