
Faculty Awareness and Training in the Post-Secondary Community: An Annotated Bibliography

University of Northern British Columbia

Prince George, British Columbia

Instructors Handbook for Accommodating Students with Disabilities

Online Guide

This online document, posted in July 2000, begins with an introduction to the disabled student centre at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) and the resources available through this office for students, and outlines the accommodation assessment procedures.

Following that introductory section is a listing of assignment and alternative test and exam accommodation strategies. These deal with the physical and material difficulties faced by many students with disabilities, as well as offering alternative evaluation methods.

The information on disabilities section provides the definition of disability outlined in the UNBC policy on disability. Information sections on communication, hearing, visual, mobility, non-visible and temporary impairments are included as well. Each features definitions and detailed information on the disability category, and some of the various disabilities within each category. A good selection of accommodation suggestions, ranging from physical to material and assessment, are offered.

This guide is concise and easy to use, with a table of contents and hyperlinks providing for easy navigation. The information within is valuable to instructors and the community as a whole.

Maureen Hewlett
Learning Skills Centre
University of Northern British Columbia
3333 University Way
Prince George, British Columbia
V2N 4Z9
Phone: 250-960-6355
Web site:
