Financial Aid Directory
Albert C. Strickler, M.D. Scholarship Fund
The Fund was established by Albert C. Strickler, M.D. to provide recognition and financial assistance for students who achieve scholarship in the face of personal physical adversity. It is dedicated to the memory of his parents whose support and encouragement were boundless. The Fund was established on January 17, 1996 with a personal gift of $100,000 from Dr. Strickler
The award(s) will be derived from the annual income of the Fund after expenses, and will be approximately $2,000 per person per year, depending on the return on investments and the number of recipients.
Full-time students enrolled in the Doctorate of Medicine program in a medical school in Canada.
Graduates of Etobicoke Collegiate Institute, Toronto, who proceed to any degree granting program in an Ontario university immediately following graduation from high school.
Persons known to have Charcot Marie Tooth Disease, particularly CMT 1A, who proceed to any degree granting program in an Ontario university immediately following graduation from high school.
Applicant Profile
- All applicants must satisfactorily complete the first year of a program, and be enrolled in the second year.
- All applicants must demonstrate academic achievement in the face of adversity due to some current visible physical impairment.
Visible Physical Impairment
- Visible physical impairment (V.P.I.) means some major anatomical loss or deformity or dysfunction – congenital or acquired – which has declared itself before adulthood has been reached and which is readily apparent to others on a day-to-day basis.
- Various neuromusculoskeletal conditions would fit this definition, particularly Charcot Marie Tooth Disease.
- V.P.I. could mean, also, severe abnormalities of speech, hearing or vision.
- The condition must represent a burden, as it were, borne by the student with courage and perseverance day after day.
- The likelihood of future correction or remission will not affect eligibility.
V.P.I. Exclusions
- Minor anatomical variations and isolated imaging anomalies will not qualify.
- Nor is V.P.I. simply the presence of disease.
- Excluded, also, are most cosmetic appearances and skin conditions, as well as extremes of nutrition.
Applications Deadline is June 30th of the school year about to be completed.
For more information or application form, please contact Mini Alakkatusery, Program Officer Toronto Community Foundation at 416-921-2035 ext. 205 or by email