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Financial Aid Directory
- This information has been obtained from the CSLP web site:
http://www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/student_loans/ It is supplemented with information from a presentation
by CSLP official Lee Windsor to the NEADS Conference in November of
1998. A full report on this presentation can be found on the NEADS Web Site, at
- This information has been obtained from the CSLP web site:
http://www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/student_loans/. It has been supplemented with information found on
the web site of the Newfoundland Provincial Department of Education, which
can be found on line at http://www.gov.nf.ca/edu/
- This information was obtained through private correspondence with federal and
provincial government officials involved with the implementation of EAPD agreements
across Canada. Along with this the HRDC web site has a good deal of back
ground information on EAPD which can be found on line at
- This information was obtained from the Millennium Scholarship Foundation’s
web site, which may be found on line at http://www.millenniumscholarships.ca/
- Information in this section was gathered from the web site of the Newfoundland
Department of Education, which may be found on line at http://www.gov.nf.ca/edu/. This information was supplemented and clarified through correspondence with federal and provincial government officials involved in the delivery of the EAPD and the Student Loans Program in Newfoundland.
- Information in this section was gathered from the web site of the Prince Edward
Island Department of Education, which may be found on line at
This information was supplemented and clarified through correspondence with
federal and provincial government officials involved in the delivery of both the
EAPD and the Student Loans Program in Prince Edward Island.
- Information in this section was gathered from the web site of the Nova Scotia
Department of Education, which may be found on line at http://www.ednet.ns.ca/
This information was supplemented and clarified through correspondence with
federal and provincial government officials involved in the delivery of both the
EAPD and the Student Loans Program in Nova Scotia.
- Information in this section was gathered from the web site of the New Brunswick
Premier’s Council on the Status of Disabled Persons, which may be found on line
at http://www.gnb.ca/0048 This information was supplemented and clarified
through correspondence with federal and provincial government officials
involved in the delivery of both the EAPD and the Student Loans Program in New
- Information in this section was referenced from a brochure published by the
government of Quebec, entitled The Loans and Bursaries Program: Student Financial
Assistance 1999-2000 Québec. This information was supplemented and clarified
through correspondence with federal and provincial government officials, as well
as disabled student service providers involved in the delivery of the Student Loans
Program in Quebec.
- Information in this section was gathered from the web site of the Ontario Depart-ment
of Education, which may be found on line at http://osap.gov.on.ca. This
information was supplemented and clarified through correspondence with federal
and provincial government officials involved in the delivery of both the EAPD
and the Student Loans Program in Ontario
- Information in this section was gathered from the web site of the Manitoba Departments
of Education and Family Services, which may be found, respectively,
on line at http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/tce/index.html and http://www.gov.mb.ca/fs/programs/clv/fs0clv05.html This information was supplemented and clarified
through correspondence with federal and provincial government officials involved
in the delivery of both the EAPD and the Student Loans Program in Manitoba.
- Information in this section was gathered from the web site of the Saskatchewan
Department of Education, which may be found on line at
http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca This information was supplemented and clarified through
correspondence with federal and provincial government officials involved in the
delivery of both the EAPD and the Student Loans Program in Saskatchewan.
- Information in this section was gathered from the web site of the Alberta Department
of Education, which may be found on line at http://www.alis.gov.ab.ca/learning/finance.html This information was supplemented and clarified through
correspondence with federal and provincial government officials involved in the
delivery of both the EAPD and the Student Loans Program in Alberta.
- Information in this section was gathered from the web site of the British Columbia
Ministry of Advanced Education Training and Technology, which may be
found on line at http://www.aett.gov.bc.ca Other information comes from the web site of the Adult Services Program - British Columbia, which can be found on line at http://www.aspbc.org. This information was supplemented and clarified through correspondence with federal and provincial government officials involved in the delivery of both the EAPD and the Student Loans Program in British Columbia.
- Information in this section was gathered from the web site of the Yukon Department of Education.
This information was supplemented and clarified through correspondence with federal and territorial government officials involved in the delivery of the Student Loans Program in the Yukon.
- Information in the section Regional Scholarships and Grants (Atlantic Canada) was compiled with reference to Awards, Bursaries, Scholarships and Programs Available to Persons with Disabilities (February 1999), New Brunswick Premier’s Council on the Status of Disabled Persons. The Council can be reached at Email: pcsdp@gov.nb.ca.
- Information on the Donald Curren Scholarship was referenced from the Government of Canada web site: http://www.canlearn.ca.