High School Transition
Funding and Scholarship Programs
Millennium Scholarship Program
The Government of Canada, as part of an initiative known as the Canadian Opportunities Strategy, created the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation (CMSF). The Foundation is an independent and autonomous organization that manages the allocation of a $2.5 billion federal government endowment. The Foundation has used this fund to award scholarships to Canadian undergraduate students in financial need, in order to improve access to post-secondary education and reduce student debt. The CMSF awards 100,000 scholarships per year, at an average of $3,000 each.
Each province and territory’s student financial aid office is responsible for administering the scholarships on behalf of the CMSF. Therefore, eligibility requirements differ from province-to-province. Your school or regional financial aid office can help you determine if you qualify. There is no separate application process for the Canada Millennium Scholarships. When you apply for funding from your provincial/ territorial student financial assistance program, you are automatically considered for support under the Millennium Scholarship program. For more information contact:
Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation
1000 Sherbrooke St. West, Suite 800
Montreal, Quebec, H3A 3R2
Tel: 1 (877) 786-3999 (toll free)
Fax: (514) 985-5987
Email: millennium.foundation@bm-ms.org
Web site: www.millenniumscholarships.ca