Transforming the services for students with disabilities in post-secondary schools
Come join the National Educational Association of Disabled Students for a virtual coffee on Friday February 12, 2021 from noon to 1:00 p.m. EST
Speaker: Fiona Whittington-Walsh, PhD, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Faculty, Department of Sociology
Principal Researcher, Including All Citizens (IAC)
President, Board of Directors, Inclusion BC
Board of Directors, Inclusion Canada
Chair, Accessibility Committee, Inclusion Canada
Board of Directors, Institute for Research and Development on Inclusion and Society (IRIS)
This coffee chat is to discuss Dr. Whittington-Walsh's current project on transforming the services for students with disabilities in post-secondary institutes. The goal of the project is to create a new model to transform the way that students with disabilities receive services which will ultimately benefit all learners.
This project is starting with a survey for all students of post-secondary institutes in BC. We want to find out how many students use these services, what are their needs, what are their experiences, and what they would want to see change.
What questions would you like to answer regarding your experiences with services for students with disabilities?
This coffee chat will discuss the project and encourage your engagement in creating questions to be used in the survey.
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