
Challenging Ableism: Creating a Culture of Accessibility - University of Toronto

Students for Barrier-Free Access, Equity Studies Students' Union and Disability Studies at the University of Toronto will be hosting various events for its annual Accessibility Awareness Month. Events are listed below with dates, times and locations. 

Event Dates and Names

Organizing Disability Justice: The Importance of
Accountability, Care and Relation-building
Thursday March 6th
Location: OISE Room. 2295 (252 Bloor Street)
Time: 5:30pm
Panel Speakers: Eddie Ndopu, Loree Erickson and Aj Withers

Navigating Ableist Spaces: Stories of Resistance
Thursday March 13th
Location: OISE Room. 2295 (252 Bloor Street)
Time: 5:30pm
Panel speakers: Kayla Carter, Lee Maracle, and Quinto Zazoue

Night of Art and Expression: Creating Disability Differently
Friday March 14th
Location: New College Lounge (45 Wilcocks)
Time: 5:00pm
To display your work please register below

Cooking Discussion Group on Mental Health
Wednesday March 19th
Location: CWTP (563 Spadina Ave, North Borden Building)
Time: 12pm

Learning Disabilities Workshop with Integra
Tuesday March 24th
Location: Hart House Room North Dining Hall (7 Hart House Circle)
Time: 11:30pm


Facebook Page:

All events will have ASL, Live Captioning, and Care Attendants

Please email or call 416-967-7322 for more information or accommodation need

Aisha Raja
Centre Director
Students for Barrier-free Access,
University of Toronto
215 Huron Street, Suite 924
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A2
T: 416-967-7322
