British Columbia releases Disability Consultation Report and holds Accessibility Summit (June 16)
The Government of British Columbia has released its report: Disability Consultation Report: Moving Together Toward an Accessible B.C. The report was created to better understand how B.C. can become "the most progressive place to live in Canada for people with disabilities and their families, government asked British Columbians what they think needs to be done to decrease barriers and increase accessibility."
There was a great response from the community. Almost 30,000 visits to the consultation website and close to 1,150 people participated in 23 accessible, in-person consultation sessions around the province. In total, more than 7,500 comments were received with ideas, suggestions and solutions about how to make B.C. a better place for people with disabilities to live.
The report is government’s attempt to summarize the feedback and ideas received from feedback collected at community sessions, through submissions from organizations or groups, emails, phone messages, mail submissions, Conversation Toolkits, ASL messages and social media. All the submissions are available online.
To ensure accessibility in as many formats as possible, the report is available in the following formats:
Online version of the Disability Consultation Report -
PDF document – Large print
PDF document – Regular print
Word document - Text-only version
To receive a hard copy of the report, please send an email with your name and address to:
Now that the report has now been released, the province will be host the B.C. Accessibility Summit on June 16th. .
The Summit will take place from 10:00am until Noon on Monday, June 16, 2014 at the Vancouver Convention Centre.
The Summit will bring together leaders in the disability community -- including Derek Wilson, Director at Large, of the National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) -- government and the business community to discuss a shared action plan including short-, mid-, and long-term strategies that will lead to the long-term realization of B.C. becoming the most progressive place in Canada for people living with disabilities.
Watch The Accessibility Summit Online
To give all British Columbians the opportunity to be part of the Summit, we will be live-streaming the Summit province-wide on this webpage, starting at 10:00am on Monday, June 16, 2014. There are no special technical requirements to watch the Summit online, but if you experience any issues connecting, please contact tel: 250-387-7573.