NEADS Financial Literacy/Financial Aid Workshop & Annual General Meeting
NEADS Financial Literacy/Financial Aid Workshop and Annual General Meeting
Friday, July 18, 2014, Courtyard Marriott Downtown Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, 475 Yonge Street, 3:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. in the Spadina Room. Guest speaker: Annie Dang, Consultant, Investors Group Financial Services. All are welcome! There is a $10 registration fee to help cover the cost of food and beverage at the reception following the event.
The Program:
1. Welcome (NEADS Board of Directors)
2. “What is your financial personality?” (Interactive exercise – NEADS Staff)
3. Goal-oriented saving (Annie Dang, Consultant, Investors Group)
a. The importance of short-and long-term goals
b. Interactive exercise
4. Everything begins and ends with cash flow management (Annie Dang)
a. The importance of not overspending
b. Budgeting
c. “Pay yourself first”
d. Monthly spending exercise
5. Don’t just save – invest! (Annie Dang)
6. Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), (Annie Dang)
7. - NEADS' Financial Aid Portal (NEADS Board/Staff)
8. NEADS’ National Scholarship Program (NEADS Board/Staff)
9. Business Meeting – Annual General Meeting (NEADS Board)
10. Refreshments/Social
ASL interpretation provided.
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