The Power of Participation - 7th Annual Symposium on Inclusive Education and Employment (Halifax)
The 7th Annual Symposium on Inclusive Education and Employment will be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, on December 2nd and 3rd, 2014 at the World Trade and Convention Centre.
This two-day Symposium, sponsored in partnership with the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission, the Disabled Persons Commission, and the province-wide Collaborative Partnership Network for Persons with Disabilities, is an opportunity for you to identify, reduce and eliminate barriers to inclusive education and employment experienced by persons with disabilities, through meaningful discussion and dialogue with employers, educators, employment service providers, the government and the community. The shared partnership that plans and implements this Annual Symposium continues to emphasize the importance of collaboration in ensuring persons with disabilities take their rightful places at all levels of education, in the workforce, and in the community. The National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) is a proud associate partner in this event thanks to the involvement of Emily Duffett, NEADS' Nova Scotia Director, who is also Chair of the Nova Scotia League for Equal Opportunities.
This year's theme is "The Power of Participation." The fully accessible Symposium will include keynote speaker, Dr. Richard Pimentel who will speak to his experiences and programs which promote the gainful and meaningful employment of persons with disabilities. He will also facilitate three workshops throughout the Symposium. Catherine Frazee will be the Wednesday keynote speaker. Both bring an exciting dynamic to our symposium, sharing their knowledge and life journeys as progressive employers, entrepreneurs and, by chance, persons with a disability.
There will be inter-active workshops, panel discussions, presentation of the Lieutenant Governor’s Persons with Disabilities Employer Partnership Award and the David and Kathleen Mooney Altruism Award, an education & employers’ showcase, an Entrepreneurs’ Market, and networking opportunities with over 300 individuals representing business, labour, government, employment service agencies and persons with disabilities. It will provide you with an opportunity to explore the many challenges and to develop strategies leading to the engagement of persons with disabilities in sustained and meaningful employment in the Province of Nova Scotia. It is also an occasion to celebrate through the sharing of success stories, experiences and inspired thoughts of keynote speakers and each other.
The hope is that a variety of actions will emanate from the Symposium workshops and from the insights gained from our keynote speakers in the areas of inclusiveness and diversity in both education practices and the labour market participation of persons with disabilities during the coming year. We are looking forward to your participation and to your continued efforts in working together to create a culture of inclusion and diversity.
Check out the conference website: for more information, registration and sponsorship: