Call for Presentations for 7th Annual Accessibility Conference - Choosing Bridges over Barriers at University of Guelph
The challenge to be an Accessible Ontario by 2025 is intensifying. This is creating a culture of inclusion in which Ontarians have the knowledge, tools and motivation to remove barriers to the participation of individuals with disabilities will only be achieved through leadership, policy development, training, awareness raising, value shifting, etc.
Call for Presentations:
The 2015 Accessibility Conference, which will be held at the University of Guelph from May 25-27, 2015, is seeking presentations and workshops focused on what is required to build an inclusive Ontario by 2025.
Presentations could address:
- Practical strategies to encourage inclusive thinking and behaviour in a group or organization
- Presenters' experiences with developing and coordinating multimodal accessibility policies, projects or programs that foster inclusive thinking
- National or international models and tools designed to promote inclusion
- Accessibility assets or liabilities in Ontario as we count down to 2025
Or other tools and resources that will be needed to ensure that public and private sector organizations in Ontario have the ability and the desire to choose bridges over barriers.
As in the past, the Accessibility Conference is also interested in presentations related to the
AODA Standards
- Web, document, and media accessibility
adaptive technology
- disability research and accommodation
inclusive design
- accessible teaching and learning
- national and international accessibility issues.
Call for Workshops:
The Accessibility Conference Organizing Committee is seeking individuals or organizations to offer practical and applied workshops on the following topics:
- Document Accessibility (basic and advanced MS word, PDF)
- Accessible fillable PDF forms
- Responsive Web Design
- Techniques/ Tools/Programming to create Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) or Asynchronous Javascript and XML (AJAX)
- Creating Accessible Maps
- Workplace diversity / accessibility e.g., physical buildings, HR, policies, programs and procedures
- Assistive Technology Solutions for classrooms, lecture halls and auditoriums, meetings. etc.
For More Information:
2015 Conference Schedule
Monday, May 25 - Workshops
Tuesday and Wednesday, May 26 and 27 - Accessibility Conference - starts at 8:30 am
Tuesday Evening Social at the 'Ring
For More Information,
Visit the conference website
Questions? 519-767-5000 or
Open Learning and Educational Support
University of Guelph
Room 160, Johnston Hall
Guelph Ontario Canada N1G 2W1
519-767-5000 - -