
Letter of Information and Consent for Survey Research Study: Development and Evaluation of an Online Transition Program for Students with Mental Health Disabilities Accepted into any Post-Secondary Institution in Ontario

Dear Student:

My name is Dr. Allyson Harrison and I am the Principal Investigator of this research study. I am also the Director of the Regional Assessment & Resource Centre (RARC) and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at Queen’s University. Thank for your interest in participating in this study. While we can offer no financial compensation in exchange for your participation, your contribution will help us develop an online transition program to improve the transition to postsecondary education for students with mental health disabilities across Ontario.

This research is being undertaken jointly by Queen’s University, Cambrian College, and the National Education Association for Disabled Students (NEADS) and is funded by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities through the Mental Health Innovation Fund (MHIF). Partnering with us in this project are: the Psychology Foundation; Frontenac Community Mental Health and Addiction Services (FCMHAS) and The Sudbury/Manitoulin Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). You have indicated an interest in participating in this study via an online survey. If you agree to participate, please click the link below and you will be redirected to the online survey.

The online survey asks about your experience making the transition from High School to Post-Secondary studies as a student with mental health concerns. The survey includes multiple choice and open-ended questions. Completing the survey will take between 10-20 minutes. Your participation in this online survey is voluntary. You may terminate your participation at any point by selecting the “exit” button. However, once you submit the survey, the researchers will not be able to withdraw your survey responses. The information collected in this survey is completely anonymous. You do not have to identify yourself by name, or by institution, or give your e-mail address. You do not have to answer any questions that make you feel uncomfortable.

Please be assured that the survey responses will be completely anonymous. It will not be possible for you to be linked to the answers that you provide. It will not be possible to link your IP address to your responses. As such, you will not be able to request that your answers be withdrawn from the study as there will be no way to identify your specific answers. The only information we will keep is an identification number assigned to track response rate.

There are no known physical, economic or social risks associated with participation in this research; however, some questions could trigger negative reactions about your accommodation experiences. If such a situation should arise, you are encouraged to speak to a Counsellor on your campus or contact, a 24-hour free, completely confidential and anonymous service that offers professional counselling, mental health information and connections to local resources. The contact number for Good2Talk is 1-866-925-5454. To minimize any emotional risk involved, you are not obliged to answer any questions that make you feel uncomfortable.

This research may result in the publication of various types, including journal articles, newsletters, or policies. Your name will not be attached to any form of the data that you provide, neither will your name or identity be known to anyone tabulating or analyzing the data, nor will these appear in any publication created as a result of this research. A report on the survey results will be provided in summer 2017 at If you have any questions about this project, please feel free to contact me at or call 613 533-6000 ext. 77820.

The study has been granted clearance according to the recommended principles of Canadian ethics guidelines and Queen’s University policies. Any ethical concerns about the study may be directed to the Chair of the General Research Ethics Board, Dr. Joan Stevenson (613-533-6081 or Please print a copy of the Letter of Information and Consent to keep for your personal records. Clicking the link below indicates that you have read the above letter of information and are giving your free and informed consent to participate in this study. To continue with the survey, click here (

Sincerely,  Dr. Allyson G. Harrison Clinical Director, Regional Assessment & Resource Centre and Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology Queen’s University Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 Telephone: (613) 533-6000 ext. 77820 Email:
