Accessibility Centre Coordinator job at the University of Manitoba (University of Manitoba Students' Union)
The newly formed Accessibility Centre at the University of Manitoba -- a service of the University of Manitoba Students' Union -- is looking for a Coordinator. This person will be responsible for managing the resources and overseeing the daily operation of the centre.
The Coordinator will be working closely with members of the community to determine opportunities for advocacy, assist in the development of a decision-making structure within the group, and assist with all aspects of successfully completing projects, organizing events and workshops, and improving and expanding the services offered to students.
Here is the application form:
Interested applicants should forward their cover letter & resume by June 17th to:
Chris Struc, UMSU Governance Coordinator, University of Manitoba Students' Union, Room 101 University Centre, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Fax: (204) 269-1299 E-mail: