
Ability Starts Here: Symposium on Inclusive Education and Employment in Halifax in December - Partnership with NEADS

(Halifax, September 12, 2012) The National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) is proud to announce a collaboration with the 5th Annual Symposium on Inclusive Education and Employment - Ability Starts Here - Join the Conversation, that will be held in Halifax on Monday, December 3rd and Tuesday, December 4th, 2012, thanks to funding from the Government of Canada, through its Youth Awareness program. The event will be held at the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel to celebrate the United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities. 

"It is exciting that our organization is partnering on this Symposium," said Emily Duffett, Nova Scotia Director of NEADS.  "This event helps to increase the awareness of disability issues in the province in the areas of education, employment and human rights."

The Symposium is a partnership by the Collaborative Partnership Network, the Nova Scotia Disabled Persons Commission and the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission, this 5th Annual Symposium commemorates this special United Nations day. It provides an opportunity for educators, employers and persons with disabilities to learn from each other on the road to inclusive education, meaningful employment and full community participation.
Join Canadian Broadcaster, Michael Landsberg from Off the Record and newly appointed Director and CEO, David Shannon, of the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission, our respective keynote speakers, as they share their life journeys as persons with disabilities.
Some of the highlights of this two-day event include the presentation of the Lieutenant Governor's Persons with Disabilities Employer Partnership Award, concurrent workshops, panel discussions, education/employers' showcase and artisan sale.
Educators will have an opportunity to learn about current best practices that support a truly inclusive educational experience for learners with disabilities. Also, employers will have an opportunity to develop strategies leading to the engagement of persons with disabilities in sustained and meaningful employment, and to learn about and acknowledge human rights in the workplace.

In addition to fabulous networking opportunities with over 350 individuals representing educators, employers, labour, government, community-based agencies and persons with disabilities; this event is the perfect opportunity for your organization to get involved, demonstrate support, be educated, share viewpoints and personal experiences. Enjoy the video clip produced by Accessible Media Inc. (AMI-tv). The video provides a perfect overview of this dynamic and rewarding event:

With grant funding from the Government of Canada, NEADS will be providing support to the Symposium organizers by being involved in the development of three workshops at Ability Starts Here, promotion of the event to college and university students with disabilities, assisting with the costs of disability accommodations and filming the entire conference so that captioned videos can be made available following the Symposium.

For more information regarding this event, please contact: Bernie Murphy
TEAM Work Cooperative/Collaborative Partnership Network
Phone: 902.422.8900

Ability Starts Here website:
