“An Act to ensure a barrier-free Canada” placed on the House of Commons Notice Paper
Good afternoon,
As you know, as Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities, I was mandated by the Prime Minister to develop and introduce accessibility legislation. As part of this commitment, the Government of Canada held a nationwide consultation, which brought together over 6,000 people and over 90 community organizations, to learn about what accessibility means to Canadians.
I am pleased to inform you that today, “An Act to ensure a barrier-free Canada” was placed on the House of Commons Notice Paper. This signals our intention to introduce the legislation in the House of Commons as early as this week
I invite you to visit the Accessible Canada website at
once the proposed legislation is tabled, to learn more about what the Government of Canada is doing to improve accessibility for Canadians with disabilities.
Thank you for your contribution to the development of this historic legislation. Together, we can help to create a truly accessible Canada.
Yours sincerely,
The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Science and Minister of Sport
and Persons with Disabilities