
Vacant Seats on NEADS' Board of Directors

The following seats on the National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) Board are vacant: Saskatchewan Director; Prince Edward Island Director; Newfoundland and Labrador Director; and Territories Director. These seats will be filled by appointment, and we are now soliciting applications for the vacant positions. Applications will be accepted by November 22, 2013.

Board members must be students with disabilities at any stage of their post-secondary education, or recent graduates, within 5 years of graduation from their program of study. Board members are expected to attend regular Board and committee teleconferences, participate in the business and decision-making of the organization, represent the Association at local, regional and provincial events as appropriate, and identify and work toward opportunities for the Association within their province/territory. Expressions of interest and applications may be directed to Dr. Mahadeo A. Sukhai, Senior Advisor (Governance and Leadership Development), at or online:
