
Intersectionality and Human Rights: Monitoring Change Together - International Day of Persons With Disabilities event in Ottawa

Intersectionality and Human Rights: Monitoring Change Together

Join us for a celebration of the

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

and the

United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Monday December 3, 2018

9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

55 Colonel By Drive

Ottawa, ON K1N 9J2

Join us for a day of networking, gathering, information sharing, participant group work, and celebration as the Canadian Centre on Disability Studies launches their new brand

Including Presentations by:

o Marie-Claude Landry, Chief Commissioner, Canadian Human Rights Commission

o Steve Estey, Council of Canadians with Disabilities

o Marcia Rioux, C.A. PHD, Distinguished Research Professor, York University/Disability Rights Promotion International

o Susan L. Hardie, PhD, Canadian Centre on Disability Studies

Lunch and light refreshments will be provided

RSVP by Friday, November 19, 2018 to:

Evan Wicklund

204-287-8411 x25

ASL, captioning and attendant services will be provided. For all accommodation requests including communication assistance, we ask to be informed by November 19, 2018 so we can make arrangements.

Presented by the Canadian Centre on Disability Studies and ARCH Disability Law Centre in collaboration with the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work.

This event is scent-free. Please do not use products that have scents, fragrances or essential oils in them as they may cause health problems for some people. We ask for your co-operation by not wearing perfumes, aftershave, body sprays, lotions or any other scented products including shampoo, conditioner, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, etc.
