York University’s Critical Disability Studies Student Association is pleased to present our 13th annual conference, this year entitled Bridging Narratives
Call for Submissions -
York University’s Critical Disability Studies Student Association is pleased to present our 13th annual conference, this year entitled Bridging Narratives -
Conference Date: Saturday, April 27th, 2019.
Location: York University, Keele campus, Toronto, Ontario.
Deadline for abstract & art submissions: February 15th, 2019.
Following our theme of “bridging narratives,” we invite works that connect diverse narratives of disability across disciplines, practices, theoretical standpoints, geographies, histories, colonial contexts, and cultures. We especially invite narratives that critically engage with critical race and anti-colonial theory and those that aim to connect disability studies to Indigeneity, settler-colonialism, and to the Global South. We welcome submissions both from people who do and do not identify as disabled, mad, and/or D/deaf.
Possible topics include but are not limited to:
Disability and disablement in settler-colonial and neocolonial contexts;
Disability in transnational contexts, including diaspora, migrants, and refugees;
Experiences of racialization and disability;
Disability and LGBTQ* experiences/studies;
Disability and globalization;
Disability, media, and technology;
Connecting Global South and Global North disability studies;
Connecting activist movements to academia
We request that interested applicants submit paper abstracts and/ or art submissions to by February 15th, 2019.
Abstract Submissions: Presentation abstracts should be 200-250 words in length and sent as Microsoft Word or PDF attachments. Please do not include your name within the PDF or Microsoft Word file. Your name, the name of the abstract, and preferred presentation method (e.g. oral presentation, poster presentation, or film) should be included within the body text of your email. The inclusion of your institutional affiliation, program, and degree information is optional. We are accepting only one entry per person or group.
Art Submissions: We invite art submissions that address our conference theme of “bridging narratives”. We invite multiple formats. Please submit the art piece (picture, text, or movie file) by email along with a 250-word description of how the piece will be displayed/performed and any requirements of technology or space. Film submissions need to include subtitles. All materials, including soundtracks, are the responsibility of the artist regarding appropriate licensing. It is the sole responsibility of the applicant to secure clearance from all copyright holders of materials in the submitted film. York University will not be held responsible for the unauthorized inclusion of copyright materials within or relating to the submitted film. York University reserves the right to disqualify any film with unauthorized copyrighted materials. We are accepting only one entry per person or group.
Please email us if you have any questions at