
Subjects: Participants Needed for Website Usability Study!

The Postsecondary Students with Disabilities Network (PSDNet) Project is conducting a usability testing study for a new website for college and university students with disabilities called CommunAbility.

The usability testing study is being conducted by investigators from Nipissing University, the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), and George Brown College, in partnership with the National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) as a part of an applied research project that aims to support students with disabilities in post-secondary education.

The usability testing will occur at the UOIT in Oshawa Ontario or George Brown College in Downtown Toronto. Testing involves a testing session where you will meet with a researcher to complete a series of tasks using the website and then answering questions about the experience. The testing session is about one hour and 15 minutes and will be video and audio recorded. Following the session, you will be provided with an opportunity to explore the website for a 2 week period. After this time period, you will be invited to provide feedback through an online questionnaire. The questionnaire should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.

The feedback participants provide will directly influence the development of this high profile web-based resource. Participants will receive an honorarium of $100 in recognition of the time involved in the usability study. There is no compensation for participating in this pre-study screening phase of the protocol.

Please note that to participate in this study, you must agree to attend testing at one of the two testing locations and to being videotaped and have your voice recorded.

For more information please contact the research team by email at


Charles K Anyinam, RN, PhD
Assistant Professor,
School of Nursing, Nipissing University

Principal Investigator
Postsecondary Students with Disabilities Network (PSDNet) Project
PO Box 365 Toronto Adelaide, Toronto, ON M5C 2K5
