
Research Participants Needed for Government of Canada consultation

Are you a person with a disability or the immediate family member of a person with a disability?

The Government of Canada is conducting a study about government programs for persons with disabilities and issues related to saving for the future.

If you or your immediate family member with a disability is in receipt of the federal Disability Tax Credit, you might be eligible for the study.

As a participant in this study, you will be asked to participate in:

1) a 2 hour focus group in Ottawa on May 11th or
2) a 40 minute telephone interview.

In appreciation for your time, you will receive a $75 cash honorarium.

To volunteer for this study, please contact us at 1-866-770-4649 or and leave a message with your name and telephone number. Someone will call you back to confirm your eligibility for the research.

This study is being conducted on behalf of the Government of Canada by Phoenix SPI, an independent Canadian research firm.

Your personal information will be treated in complete confidence.

