
2019/20 Work-Able (for paid internships in British Columbia Public Service

The 2019/20 Work-Able (for paid internships in British Columbia Public Service) posting is being extended. Applications will be accepted until Sunday May 5th at midnight.

Please share this exciting opportunity with your networks: Work-Able Job Posting

Details below:

The Work-Able eligibility criteria for the 2019/20 posting has expanded and is now accepting applicants who have a 2 year Diploma or Associate’s or Bachelor’s or Master’s or Doctorate degrees. This year the program has been able to increase from 15 to 21 job postings. The expansion of the eligibility criteria and the addition of 6 job postings has allowed for an increased opportunity for applicants to participate in the Work-Able program.

The Work-Able program offers unique benefits to applicants who meet eligibility criteria:

A detailed information session on how to successfully apply for job postings and competency based interviewing
Practice Interviews sessions
Coaching and feedback
Increased understanding on how to be successful in the government recruitment process

The recruitment process is a learning opportunity, not a permanent judgement of the applicant’s ability to be successful in securing, or performing the tasks related to, a position in the BC Public Service.

Reminder: The posting is open till Sunday May 5th.

Apply online today:


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